Day 7 - Pinon

 Today was a laborious day to say the least. We ate a breakfast of french toast and berry smoothies to fuel a long work day ahead. We skinned corn into kernels, painted logs, planted seeds, and chopped juniper branches, and wood. Talking to the workers, we learned that they do all of this work every day with no days off. There's always something to do on this farm. These activities made us feel for the workers who do this with less people on a daily basis, also also pretty grateful for our life at home. Turning the corn we skinned and grinned into corn mush and stew to eat made us feel like our hard work paid off and we got to eat a big traditional dinner to celebrate Memorial day and the end of the trip.  The days have flew by so fast, and we can't believe today is our last full day on the reservation (at least we get a hot shower tomorrow). We feel like we have learned a lot from our time here, especially how much we take for granted. While we are looking forward to our hot showers tomorrow, the ending of our time here is bittersweet. 

Before closing the blog, want to hear a joke? Why did the churro sheep cross the road? I guess well Navajo (never know). 

Get it? 

We hope you laughed, 

Ethan and Sophie

Planting corn

Grinding corn for dinner

Chopping juniper branches

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